Welcome to our Photos page! Here you will find links to our subpages that house all of the photos we used for this project! In the Academic and Student Life Halls page you can find pictures of the historic academic buildings on campus like Chandler Hall as well as the Seacobeck Dining Hall! Our Aerial Views page shows photos taken from planes flying above the Mary Washington Campus. The Campus Drive & Campus Walk page highlights the history of Campus Drive as well as the transformation into the modern day pathway that stretches across campus. The Campus Spaces page showcases some of the popular spaces on campus such as Jefferson Square which used to house the city reservoir while you can find pictures of historic Devil-Goat days in the Student Life page. Lastly, our Residence Halls page highlights how our beloved residence halls have grown with the times.
It should be noted that the majority of the pictures that we have gathered in this page were collected from the University of Mary Washington’s Centennial Image Collection.
Academic and Student Life Halls
Welcome to our Academic and Student Life Halls photo page! Here you will find all the pictures that we used for this project regarding the buildings not tied with residency on campus. Take a look through to see pictures of the old Trinkle Library, still with Campus Drive in front of it or to see Seacobeck which housed the infamous dining hall. From Chandler Hall to the indoor pool at Monroe, you’re sure to find it here!
Aerial Views
See our campus from an “eagle’s eye” perspective! Whether taken from a roof that we were unable to access or from a plane which we definitely couldn’t do, these images allow for an unseen perspective of the University of Mary Washington. Here are several aerial pictures of campus from throughout the years.
Campus Drive & Campus Walk
Campus Walk wasn’t always that! Take a look at the asphalt and sidewalks that once lay where our beloved pathway is now. This subpage houses pictures of Campus Drive from its active use by townies and students alike to its transformation into its modern day iteration.
Campus Spaces
This subpage houses all of the pictures that we used this project regarding spaces around campus. See how the city reservoir turned into Jefferson Square or the infamous outdoor swimming pools around campus.
Residence Halls
This subpage is dedicated to housing all of the pictures that we used about the residence halls on and off campus. Take a view at Framar House in its prime, the construction of the Madison, Ball and Custis or the “lost halls” of Betty Lewis and Cornell.
Student Life
This subpage is dedicated to all of the pictures relating to student life on our campus. See a student playing frisbee on Jefferson Square (where it is permitted) or see an authentic Devil Goat Day!